ID g-130b_used_21102319
Manufacturer Granz

Mattress for Bunk Bed (Used)

SKU 21102319
Item No. G-130B Hard-White
Size: W97 x L195 x H10 cm

It has a structure that firmly supports body pressure on the surface. Since it is a 10 cm thin mattress, it can be used for various beds such as bunk beds and storage beds with high floors.

Material / Material Upholstery: 80% polyester / 20% cotton
Stuffing: Felt / Urethane Foam
Specifications Spring coil shape: wrapping spring
Linear: 2.15mm
Number of coils: 256

Displayed in Azabu

List Price: ¥ 21000
Price: ¥1,000 ¥1,100 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* The Delivery Fee is not included.
* Our inventories change everyday. Please add the items to the Estimation Cart and ask us for the availablility and delivery fee.
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